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Intent, Implementation and Impact


At Crook Log, all pupils are taught the key aspects of science knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science to develop an understanding of the world around them. Through a broad and balanced curriculum, we teach towards the following intentions:

·         To develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding in aspects of biology, chemistry and physics.

·         To build a sense of inquisitiveness through scientific enquiry about the world.

·         To encourage critical thinking, co-operation, self-assessment and perseverance through scientific enquiry.

·         To foster pupil’s enjoyment and interest in science.

·         To prepare children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.



In EYFS, children explore the natural world around them, making observations, comments and drawings based on their environment. Pupils will learn important processes and changes in the natural world around them, eg. changes in the seasons.  All pupils will be actively encouraged to explore scientific concepts through practical, purposeful and engaging activities, as well as through links to the stories they read in class.


In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, science is taught each week through planned units of work, in line with the National Curriculum. We have an enquiry-based curriculum which follows learning objectives laid out in the scheme, ‘Engaging Science’. Each unit contains a sequence of learning objectives taught within lessons through a variety of activities, leading to rapid progression in skills and knowledge. Scientific language is modelled, taught and built-upon throughout lessons, enabling learners to be familiar with the correct use of new vocabulary. Scientific principles are also taught through cross-curricular links to other areas of the National Curriculum, eg. making accurate measurements using their maths knowledge.



The impact of our science curriculum can be seen through a variety of ways:

·         Teachers actively assess children’s understanding throughout each lesson through the use of questioning as part of their formative assessment.

·         Children from Years 1-6 are assessed at the end of each unit to see how their learning has progressed since the initial start of the topic, as a form of summative assessment to reinforce teachers’ judgements.

·         We will see approximately 80% of pupils from each year group achieving either expected or greater depth levels in science attainment.

·         Pupils will have developed an enjoyment for science-based learning, which they will take forward in their lives.