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Physical Education- Intent, Implementation and Impact


At Crooklog, we recognise the positive value that an active and healthy lifestyle can have on children’s physical and mental well being and learning.  We believe that our PE provision should provide all of our pupils with a high quality physical education as well as opportunities to participate in a range of physical activity throughout the school day. We believe this will actively enable and encourage our pupils to lead active, healthy lives and to enjoy physical activity both in school and outside school.

We feel that our curriculum puts PE at the heart of our school’s life, and gives every child the opportunity to thrive in both PE lessons and extra-curricular activities, including play and lunchtime activities. The children understand why activity is important to them and want to be part of the active community within the school. Through this engagement, we know that children are now making the choice to be active within every school day.


At Crook Log, we implement this by: 

  • Delivering a high quality PE curriculum that provides opportunities for pupils to experience, develop skills and excel in a broad range of sports and physical activity
  • Providing opportunities to participate in intra and inter competitions including the School Games.
  • Offering extra curricular clubs in a range of sports 
  • Investing in planning, resources and staff CPD to increase staff confidence and develop subject knowledge.
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to be physically active across the school day including cross curricular learning opportunities
  • Recognising and celebrating physical, cognitive, social and emotional achievements and progression within sport, both in and outside school.


The following data was collected in Jan 2022 through pupil and staff surveys and also through the new assessment tools that we have been using VIA Complete PE. We hope to be able to increase the number of our pupils who engage in and enjoy our PE Provision by Jan 2023. 

100% of our pupils engage in more than 40 minutes of physical activity a day whilst at school.

95% of our pupils enjoy all of their PE lessons.

97% of our pupils believe they lead active and healthy lives and 97% of our pupils want to be more active and recognise why this is important for a healthy body and mind.

We will continue to  encourage children to be physically active and understand the importance of Physical activity whilst at school by:

  • PE lessons
  • Active cross curricular learning
  • 5-a-day fitness
  • Using play equipment at playtimes  
  • Using our adventure playground