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Music - Progression map


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Being Imaginative and Expressive 

∙ Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs;

 ∙ Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and – when appropriate – move in time with music;

Exploring Sounds

  • I can create and respond to vocal sounds
  • I can explore how to change sounds
  • I can create and place vocal and body percussion sounds
  • Exploring descriptive sounds


  • I can identify changes in pitch and responding to them with movement.


  • I can recognise and develop a sense of steady beat through using voices and body


Exploring Sounds

  • I can develop the use of vocal sounds to express feelings.
  • I can notate pitch shape and duration using simple line graphics.
  • I can listen to, and evaluate composition.


  • I can sing with expression, paying attention to the pitch shape of the melody.


  • I can recognise and respond to a rhythm ostinato pattern.
  • I can play steady beats at different tempi on body percussion and instruments.

Exploring Sounds

  • I can learn how sounds are produced and how instruments are classified.
  • I can learn about aero phones.
  • I can learn how sounds are produced and how instruments are classified


  • I can understand the pentatonic scale.


  • I can play independent parts in more than one metre simultaneously


  • I can understand call and response structure.
  • I can understand and perform binary form


  • I can create a musical re-telling of a poem.
  • I can explore timbre to create a descriptive piece of music

Exploring Sounds

  • I can sing a song adding beatboxing sounds.
  • I can learn about classifying instruments by the way sounds are produced.


  • I can describe music using musical and non-musical terms
  • Composing and notating pentatonic melodies


  • I can describe the structure of a piece of orchestral music


  • I can interpret notation and improvising.
  • I can understand ABA structure


  • I can use music to

communicate a meaning

  • I can compose a rap


  • I can compose a fanfare.
  • I can understand simple musical structures


  • I can develop an arrangement of a two-part song
  • I can learn how to perform a song with syncopated rhythms


  • I can learn about the music of an early opera.
  • I can create musical effects using contrasting pitch


  • I can explore and use narrative structure
  • I can learn about techniques used in movie soundtracks


  • I can listen to music with focus and analysing using musical vocabulary.
  • I can learn a melodic ostinato using staff notation

Step dance performance

  • I can develop the idea of pitch shape and relating it to movement.
  • I can understand pitch through movement and notation.
  • To feel and move to

a three-beat pulse and

revising rhythmic ostinato

Song cycle performance

  • I can explore expressive singing in a part-song with echoes.
  • I can develop a song cycle performance incorporating mixed media.

Mini musical performance

  • I can develop a performance of a musical.
  • To combine rhythm cycles in a percussion piece.
  • To perform to an audience

Leavers’ assembly performance

  • To learn to play a melody with chordal accompaniment.
  • Listening to and understanding modulation in a musical bridge.