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Computing- Progression map



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

I can begin to learn what a keyboard is and how to locate some keys.


I can begin to log in and log out.


I can begin to learn what a mouse is and to develop basic mouse skills such as moving and clicking to create a picture.


I can begin to learn how to use a mouse to click and drag.

I can log onto a computer and access a website.


I can develop my mouse skills including clicking and dragging.


I can use mouse skills to draw shapes.


I can draw a scene from a story using digital tools.


I can create a self portrait using digital tools.

I can recognise the parts of a computer.


I can recognise how technology is controlled.


I can make a design for an invention.


I can explain why computers are important in the world.

Computing systems and networks

I can understand what a network is and understand our school network.


I can understand how information moves around a network.


I can understand how the internet works and explain a website’s journey.


I can explore the role of a router.


I can understand the role of packets.

I can understand that software can be used to work online collaboratively.


I can share a document and work with others effectively.


I can create a fun presentation.


I can use Google forms to create surveys and questionnaires.


I can use a shared spreadsheet.

I can understand what a search engine is and how to use it.


I can be aware that not everything that we see online is true.


I can understand the importance of keywords in a search.


I can create an informative poster.


I can understand how a search engine works, specifically a web index, what can affect page rank and the role of web crawlers.

I can understand that there are lots of different types of secret codes.


I can understand the importance of having a secure password.


I can understand the importance of Bletchley Park to the World War 11 war effort.


I can understand about some of the historical figures that contributed to technological advances in computing.


I can research and present information about historical figures in computing.



I can follow instructions as part of practical activities and games.


I can give simple instructions.


I can learn the importance of following rules in a specific order.


I can learn how to explore and tinker with hardware to develop familiarity and introduce relevant vocabulary.






I can understand what an algorithm is.


I can follow instructions precisely to carry out an action.


I can understand that computers have inputs and outputs.


I can understand and be able to explain what decomposition is.


I know how to debug and algorithm.  



I can decompose a game to predict the algorithms used.


To understand that computers can use algorithms to make predictions.


I can plan an algorithm that will solve a problem.


I can understand debugging.

I can explore a programming application Scratch.


I can use repetition (a loop) in a program.


I can program an animation.


I can program a story.


I can program a game.

I can recall the key features of Scratch.


I can decompose the script for a quiz.


I can understand what a variable is and how to make one in Scratch.


I can use my knowledge of how variables work to make a times table quiz.

I can tinker with Scratch music elements.


I can create a program that plays themed music.


I can plan a soundtrack program.


I can program a soundtrack.


I can code to play music with a purpose.

I can tinker with Logo.


I can understand a nested loop.


I can understand basic python commands.


I can use loops in python to create my own piece of art.


I can understand the use of random numbers in an algorithm.

I can explore and tinker with hardware to develop familiarity and introduce relevant vocabulary.


I can recognise a that we use a range of technology in school and at home.


I can use a camera or an i-pad to take photographs.


I can work with an adult to make a class photo album.







(links to science and maths)

I can recognise that digital content can be represented in many different ways.


I can design a rocket.


I can follow instructions to build a rocket.


I can add data to a spreadsheet.

I can begin to learn to touch type.


I can use a word processor.


I can add images and text to a document.


I can learn some keyboard shortcuts to edit a document.


I can create a poetry book using sources from the internet.


I can explain what online information is and what happens when we post online.



I can recognise basic inputs and outputs.


I can decompose a laptop.


I can understand the purpose of computer parts.


I can decompose a tablet computer.

I can explore Google sites and how to make a webpage.


I can plan the content for a webpage, working collaboratively.


I can create a webpage as part of a collaborative class website.


I can plan and create my website.


I can evaluate the success of my website.

I can identify why data is sent back from space- Mars Rover.


I can identify how messages can be sent using binary code.


I can identify the computer architecture of the Mars Rover.


I can use simple operations to calculate bit patterns.

I can represent binary as text.

I can identify how bar codes and QR codes work.


I can explore how infrared waves transmit data.


I can examine the uses of radio-frequency identification (RFID) and how encoding keeps RFID data safe.


I can analyse and evaluate transport data.



I understand and can follow directional arrows.


I can follow a simple sequence of instructions.


I can experiment with using a Bee-bot.


I can learn how to give a Bee-bot a simple command.


I can learn that an algorithm is a set of instructions to carry out a task in a specific order.


I can debug instructions with the help of an adult when things go wrong.


I can experiment with using a Bee-bot and learn how to give simple commands.



I can explore a new device Bee-Bots.


I can create a video about how to use a Bee-Bot.


To plan and follow a set of instructions precisely.


I can plan a Bee-Bot route.

I can explore a new application Scratch junior.


I can create an animation using programming blocks.


I can use characters as buttons.


I can create an algorithm to tell a joke.


I can plan and use code to create an algorithm.

I can plan a book trailer.


I can photos or videos to tell a story.


I can edit a video.


I can add texts and transitions to a video.


I can evaluate an edited video.

I can understand that websites are made from different programming

languages and one of them is HTML.


I can understand and identify examples of HTML tags.


I can remix and change text by changing HTML code.


I can change the HTML and CSS to alter the appearance of an object on the web.


I can understand and explore some more complex components of a webpage.


I can alter key elements on a website, including text and images.

I can tinker with a BBC micro:bit.


I can program and animation using the BBC micro:bit.


I can recognise a coding structure and explain why/how a program works.


I can turn a micro: bit into a pedometer.


I can create a program to make a score board.

I can tinker with sound.


I can record, edit and add sound effects to a radio play.


I can understand how computers have changed and the impact this has had on the modern world.


I can research on of the computers that changed the world and present information about it to the class.


I can design a computer for the future.


I can understand and create a sequence of pictures.


I can take clear photos.


I can edit a photo.


I can search for and import images.


I can create a photo collage.


I can understand what animation is.


I can understand what stop motion animation is.


I can plan a stop motion animation.


I can create a stop motion animation.



I can understand the terminology around data.


I can compare paper and computerised data bases.


I can sort filter and interpret data.


I can represent data in different ways.


I can sort data for a purpose.



I can understand the 4 key parts of computational thinking.


I can understand what decomposition is and how to apply it to solve problems.


I can understand what pattern recognition and abstraction mean.


I can understand how to create an algorithm and what it may be used for.


I can combine computational thinking skills to solve a problem.



I can understand how bit patterns represent images as pixels.


I can explain how the data for digital images can be compressed.


I can understand how the Mars Rover follows instructions, developing my understanding of how computers work including RAM and ROM.


I can create a safe online profile and tinker with 3D design software.


I can modify the design of a 3D object.

I can explain how data can be transferred safely.


I can investigate the data usage of online activities.


I can identify how data analysis can improve city life.


I can design a system for turning a school into a smart school.


I can present my ideas for a smart school and can consider whether using data could create any privacy issues.

I can sort objects when I am playing.


I can sort myself into groups.


I can respond to yes/no questions.


I can explain how objects have been sorted and categorised.


I can understand how to represent data on a simple pictogram.

To learn that computers are very good at collecting and recording data.


I can represent data in different ways.


I can collect and record data.



I can understand how computers help people to survive in space.


I can create a digital drawing of items needed for life in space.  


I can understand the role of sensors on the ISS.


I can create an algorithm for growing a plant in space.


I can interpret data.

I can understand the terminology around data.


I can compare paper and computerised data bases.


I can sort filter and interpret data.


I can represent data in different ways.


I can sort data for a purpose.



I can log data taken from online sources within a spreadsheet.


I can design a weather station.


I can design an automated machine to respond to sensor data.


I can understand how weather forecasts are made.


I can use technology in a video to present a weather forecast.



I can learn how apps can access our personal information and how to alter permissions to limit the sharing of my information with others online.


I can be aware of the positive and negative aspect of online communication.


I can understand how online information can be used to form judgements about a person.


I can understand the difference between online and offline bullying, and to know what to do if I ever experience bullying online.


I can understand how technology can affect our health and wellbeing and can come up with ways on how to replace bad online habits with good ones.



I can design an electronic product.


I can code and debug a product.


I can use the software Tinker CAD to design the housing of a product.


I can create a website aimed at a target audience.


I can understand the techniques used in advertising a product.


I know what the internet is and how to use it safely.


I can understand different emotions I may have when using the internet.


I can understand how to treat people both online and in person.


I can understand why it is important to think about what we post online.

I know what happens to information posted online.


I know how to keep things safe and private online.


I can explain what I should do before posting online.

I can understand how beliefs, opinions and facts are shared on the internet.


I can understand what to do when something makes me upset online.


I can understand why it is important to keep privacy setting secure.


I know I should not share personal information with people I do not know online.

I can describe how to search for information within a wide range of technologies and make a judgement about the probable accuracy.


I can describe some of the methods used to encourage people to but online.


I can explain why lots of people sharing opinions and beliefs online does not make these opinions or beliefs true.


I can explain how technology can be designed to act like or impersonate a living thing.


I can explain about the positive and negative distractions of technology and to consider the amount of time I spend online.

I can describe how issues online give us negative feelings and know how to get help.


I can think about the impact and consequences of sharing online.


I know how to create a positive online reputation.


I am able to describe how I can capture bullying content as evidence.


I know how to manage passwords effectively.


I can be aware of strategies to help be protected online.